So my offering for today is a little Pyramid Gift Box and as the title of this post says.......
It was Designed and Made using Groovi Plates and the Groovi Plate Mate!!!
Warning!! This is a Step by Step Tutorial and I have added Pictures for each stage,
So it is Definitely NOT a short Post!!
So it is Definitely NOT a short Post!!
along with the Groovi Plate Mate Kit and Groovi Border Plate 1.
21 x 21 cm, 140 gsm Parchment, Claritystamp Parchment Embossing Tools, Parchment Scissors, Ruler, White Leaded Propelling Pencil, Cutting Mat, Low Tack Tape, Tumble Dryer Sheet
two pieces of slim Ribbon.
(No Glue or Double sided Tape needed)
All Embossing on one side of the Parchment (back)
Tape Parchment to Groovi Plate Mate and Insert the Nested Squares Groovi Plate.
Give Parchment a rub over with Tumble Dryer Sheet
Emboss the 7th Square from the middle
Replace Nested Squares with the Netting Groovi Plate and emboss the area inside the Square
Remove Parchment From Groovi Plate Mate and Place it onto the Hard Side of the Mat
Center the middle lines of the Netting Pattern as in the photo below
You want a center line showing through horizontally and vertically
Take your Ruler and Pencil. Mark a Dot 6cm out from the edge of Pattern on the Middle line.
Repeat for all 4 sides.
Take Parchment back to the Groovi Plate Mate change to the Nested Squares Plate
Align the Dot on your Parchment to the Bottom Right Hand Corner of the 7th Square
Now Emboss the Line going from right to Left
Do this for all 4 Dots. You will now have 4 lines all 7 cm long as in photo below
Turn your Parchment Diagonally
Once again using the 7th from Middle Square
Place Corner of Embossed Square to Top Right Hand Corner of Nested Squares
(Left Hand end of Embossed Line to Bottom Right Hand Corner)
as in Photo Below (probably better just to look at photo lol)
Once again using the 7th from Middle Square
Place Corner of Embossed Square to Top Right Hand Corner of Nested Squares
(Left Hand end of Embossed Line to Bottom Right Hand Corner)
as in Photo Below (probably better just to look at photo lol)
Emboss down this Line and your Parchment will now look like this....and No it's not a Windmill!
Next use the Groovi Border Plate
(Plate with the Dashed Line and Scallops)
Arrange Parchment on Plate, use the Dashed Line to complete the Triangles as in the picture below
Next Groovi Plate in use is the Nested Circles, so place that into the Groovie Plate Mate
and using the Outer Curve of the Circle, Place your Parchment as in the next picture
(Outer Circle touching Corner of Triangle and Corner of Embossed Square)
Emboss the Curve between these points on all 4 sides and you have a piece that looks like this
Now this is your basic box.
Oh, and as you can see from the next pic, I am using the Snowflake Groovi Plate
Emboss Snowflakes of your choice. I went for two different sizes
You can of course use any of the Groovi Plates to add your desired decoration
Just remember to ONLY emboss in the Curved area
You all still with me! Not nodded off to sleep! Or given up because I have waffled too much!
Grand, let us continue!!
The only bit left at this point is to mark a circle on all 4 Curves for your Ribbon to go through
Look at the Groovie Plate Mate, down the Right Hand Side you will see Symbols.
Emboss the Small Circle.
You can stop right here and have the basic box - just cut or use a single hole punch to cut out that little circle for your Ribbon.
You would then cut away the excess Parchment with a Craft Knife or Scissors
You will of course have to read to the end to see how it folds together
(ha ha, you thought you were done! lol)
If you want to have a Fancy Edge then follow the next steps.
Look carefully at the next picture to see the placement of the Design.
It is time to use the Scalloped Edge on the Groovi Border Plate
Place the Parchment onto the Scalloped Edge, (see picture below)
HOLD Parchment in place Do Not Tape Down. Use a Fine Ball Tool to Emboss ONE Scallop
Keep Ball Tool in place
With Free Hand Gently move the Parchment towards you until the top of the next Scallop is touching the Curved Line, Emboss the Scallop.
Repeat the Process until you have Embossed 7 Scallops
Just repeat around the curved edges of your design
This is called 'In-Line Embossing'

You would then cut away the excess Parchment with a Craft Knife or Scissors
You will of course have to read to the end to see how it folds together
(ha ha, you thought you were done! lol)
If you want to have a Fancy Edge then follow the next steps.
Look carefully at the next picture to see the placement of the Design.
It is time to use the Scalloped Edge on the Groovi Border Plate
The Scalloped Edge is in a straight line and I will show you how to turn that into a Curve
(I think the Parchment could be doing with another run over with the Tumble Dryer Sheet)Place the Parchment onto the Scalloped Edge, (see picture below)
HOLD Parchment in place Do Not Tape Down. Use a Fine Ball Tool to Emboss ONE Scallop
Keep Ball Tool in place
Repeat the Process until you have Embossed 7 Scallops
This is called 'In-Line Embossing'

Remove Parchment from Border Plate, Turn it over (Front) and place onto a Piercing Mat.
Using a 2 Needle Tool
Begin by piercing the inside Curve of the Scallop.
Hold your Tool as upright as possible.
Keep going until all the Scallops are Pierced
Next Pierce along the Outer Curve of the Scallops
Taking Your Parchment Scissors Cut between the Holes on the Inside Curve of the Scallops
Insert Scissors, Slightly Turn Wrist (or Forearm) Then Snip.
Turn your work as you go along
Turn Parchment around and Cut between the Holes but making sure you
DO NOT CUT the Point where the Scallops join together
As you cut the final bit the scrap Parchment will fall away
Cut Between the Holes on the Outer Curve of the Scallops, Turning your work as you go along
Once all the Scallops are cut free from the Parchment, Transfer Your Parchment to a cutting Mat
Using Ruler and Craft Knife Cut along Every Outside Edge
you will be left with a piece as in the Picture below
Turn your work over (Showing the Inside)
Gently Fold inwards the edges of the Square
Fold Inwards along the Dashed Line
(If you didn't cut away the Small Circle - Do so now)
Bring Two opposite Sides Together and Thread Ribbon through Holes
Tie a single knot.
Your Triangle within the design will sit along the edge of the square
Now bring the other two Sides together and Thread another Ribbon through the Holes
Tie a Bow
And if after ALL of that you need a reminder of what the box looked like
Here it is lol!!

So that's it Folks!
This Design is quite Versatile, especially as Barbara Gray has brought out those Lacy Borders!!!
I will definitely be buying them!
As I said before you can use any design from the Groovi Plates to decorate the box
Doesn't have to be a Christmas Design
And yes you could just cut out with a Die or buy one of the precut shaped boxes
but to give someone a gift with a very personal handmade box is something special!
I hope you all like this tutorial
(as long winded as it was)
I would love to hear from you
Happy Groovi Crafting
Emma xx
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